Jr. B to Jr. A Status

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Jr. B to Jr. A Status

Post by HockeyFan35 »

It's that time of year again. Check out the link below.

https://www.gojhl.ca/the-greater-ontari ... r-a-status

Always a fun watch.
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Re: Jr. B to Jr. A Status

Post by OutsideLookingIn »

And rightfully so. The league that should be most scared about this, and they actually are since they are dead against it....is the OJ. The GOJ deserves to be Jr A status, well at least 12-16 of those teams should be. This is how IMO, it should go. Of the current 24 GOJHL teams I believe that 12 to 16 of those teams create a new Jr A league (do not merge with the OJ) the remaining teams of the GOJ remain Jr B status. Then select certain Jr C teams and move them to Jr B status and form a new Jr B league or Leagues in Southern Ont. This would then be a fun conversation as to which teams should move to A status and those who would remain B and which C teams should move to Jr B.
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Re: Jr. B to Jr. A Status

Post by FrozenPonds »

Forever the skeptic....I question why/how the chosen commissioner was brought in at the 11th hour and wasn't even apart of the final 3. Saying that, he is an ex OJHL Mart Savoy clone. Who brought him to the table with in the GOJHL and what motivation was there in doing so?

As well, during the vetting process, did anyone within the league ask where he stood when the exclusivity deal was signed? Hearing him talk about a "lack of inclusion" or that it "pains him" that the GOJHL finds itself in this position..really? He was more than likely AT the OJ table when this "lack of inclusion" was decided on.

Furthermore. less than 3 weeks after MG being hired, MS finds himself in an elevated position within the CJAHL. Message to the GOJHL...you may or may not get the status you crave BUT, and this is a HUGE BUT, you may not be invited to the dance also known as the RBC Cup. So you will have your status but may be unable to compete for the RBC. That doesn't do much for a value of a franchise which this "A" thing is somewhat about! Can you say "Associate" member?

Pack your bags, start looking at other options (like I said 2+ years ago)...like the NCDC in the US who have made a huge impact on the US junior hockey landscape and continue to push more and more kids to the next level. Imagine that....an NCDC Northern Conference which would allow you to compete for a North American Title. Take the 12 teams who really want it....and start looking at options.

Don't think the OHA Board is going to help..they are stockpiled with OJ people and ex-GO people who couldnt tie their own skates and were probably in cohoots with the OHA for the last 18 months anyway.

Enjoy the rest of the summer everyone and hopefully, and that is a HUGE hopefully, there will be hockey this fall...but dont hold your breath!
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Re: Jr. B to Jr. A Status

Post by RagingBS »

Merging with the OJ should never be considered. If they need to leave the OHA to attain JrA status, so be it. The top level hockey below the OHL in Southwestern Ontario should be A not B.
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Re: Jr. B to Jr. A Status

Post by FrozenPonds »

It will be an interesting question. The OJHL has expanded their footprint to Haliburton County and thanks to GOJ Leadership...Brantford. It would be an interesting argument....the GOJHL chiming in for Junior A status on the premise that it doesnt exist in its "geographical" footprint when clearly it does. Case in point..Brantford! You also could have beaten the OJ to the punch with regards to Collingwood and possibly 5 other teams looking to join the GOJ...yet again..thanks to GOJ leadership, that opportunity was wasted.

I also questions the decision to go back to 1/2 visors. Under any other condition, I would be all for it. But the problem is not just getting on the ice, but staying on the ice!! We have seen how governments at both the federal and provincial levels have made decisions when it comes to Covid public health. Do you really want to take a chance on losing everything that you could gain? I question the logic of that decision.
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Re: Jr. B to Jr. A Status

Post by RagingBS »

Wearing a cage will do nothing for Covid spread. The decision to return to 1/2 visors like the vast majority of top level 2nd tier junior hockey in Canada is sound. The OHA needs to find a way to have JrA hockey available west of Brantford, so either reclassify the GOJ to A status of continue to watch top level players go to the better A leagues outside Ontario once they turn 18.
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Re: Jr. B to Jr. A Status

Post by OutsideLookingIn »

And….. nothing but crickets in regards to A… is there an update?
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Re: Jr. B to Jr. A Status

Post by GOJHLfan1 »

OutsideLookingIn wrote: Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:33 pm And….. nothing but crickets in regards to A… is there an update?
I would think that talk is dead until the next offseason
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