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Post by RocketGirl »

A decision will be made next week. Inc have filed an appeal with the OHF to split the league into 2, that decision is to be available next week, at which point we will know if there is 1 Jr B league of 25 teams, or 2 leagues.

On a side note, I've heard that a few teams have flipped to Inc., haven't heard of teams flipping to the other side.
Queen of the GOJHL

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Post by BeenThereDoneThat »

RagingBS---keep in mind back a few years ago 23 of the then 26 teams voted in favour of the GOJHL Player Assessment Fees. Two of the three not paying the fees had voted in favour of the fees. The 3 teams whom refused to pay last year collected the monies under the understanding it was GOJHL fees and then kept the monies for their own purposes.

This battle started years ago when the GOJHL wanted "A" status but that ship has sailed. What they seem to be seeking now is the right to run their own league as other junior leagues in Canada do and if needed under the OHA, OHF and Hockey Canada. Their is no mention of by any of the teams that they want to become an Outlaw league

The OHA has "NO" jurisdiction on whether or not the GOJHL collects fees. The problem appears to be that the OHA fears that the GOJHL sees the OHA as redundant, outdated and not required, something the OHL realized years ago.
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Post by RagingBS »

You wont get any argument from me about the way the OHA operates. They could do a lot of things better including making certain that teams are held accountable. If these teams collected "GOJHL fees" from their players and did not use the money for the purpose advertised (GOJHL Inc) then the teams either need to pay up or refund the fees to said players. The OHA should have jurisdiction over the GOJHL since it is their Jr B league.

As for the fees the whole purpose needs to be revisited. The original intent as I recall from when my son played was that the fees were to mainly pay for the Commissioner and his expenses to gain better exposure to players for NCAA and CIS. One of his early mandates was to move the GOJHL to A status. That failed at the CJHL level as they were not willing to add second A league to play within a branch (OHA) that already has a representative league (OJHL). The OHA weighed in with its lack of support for the move to A citing that they need to have both Jr A and Jr B and would not be willing to change anything. The end.

A long standing complaint of the GOJHL has been losing players to Junior A teams across Canada because Jr A is perceived to be better than Jr B. It should be but isn't necessarily so. We all know that the top GOJHL teams could compete easily with many teams in the OJHL and would defeat most of the NOJHL teams. Bottom line not much difference in talent.

GOJHL Inc has tried a few things to promote players that I question the success of. Moving the showcase to the first games of the season frees up more NCAA scouts but the coaches are figuring out who can play with who and team rosters often aren't set because many top players are still in OHL camps. The play is often disorganized and sloppy making assessments more challenging. They have also limited their prospects games to players 18 and under leaving the 19 and 20 year olds wondering what the GOJHL fee is doing for them. I think they need to look at the way the CJHL leagues market their players to NCAA and CIS and try to mimic those methods. The OHA wont help so the league needs to work on its own. GOJHL Inc in my mind isn't a bad idea, it needs to become more inclusive of its graduating players and needs to show its overall product (showcase) when the teams should be at their best. Scouts want to see something that they haven't already seen.
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Post by Letterkenny68 »

You can make arguements for and against the kind of league the GOJHL is or isn't. The reality is that the league over the last 15 years has weekend. There are many reasons for that happening and one of them is the exodus of players to other higher leagues. The fact remains there are just some things the league has no control over. The rise of the USHL and NAHL in stature in the US has worked against the GOJHL just as much if not more than some of the A loops in Canada. Canadian players are finding fewer and fewer full rides in the NCAA and at such they pursue the absolute best opportunity for themselves. I have no answers as to how gain back the stature of the league with NCAA scouts. There is no question the OHL have no problem with the GOJHL as a development league for their draft picks. I agree the showcase needs to be moved so that the season is underway and you are actually showcasing the players in an optimum environment. After that I guess its nonstop door knocking with college teams. I do know the current battling team to team and league to governing body is not helping to change the stigma of the league. If anything the current state of affairs I would think is hurting the league badly.
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Post by Marcie »

The first article that I have seen on the situation. Page 18 http://www.southpointsun.ca/
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Post by RagingBS »

It looks like a few teams are starting to advertise their position on this and plans for the upcoming season.

"A number of players have asked "What does it cost to play for the Welland Jr. Canadians?"
All players are required to pay the OHA Annual Player Registration Fee for 2018-19.
The OHA fee is $350 + HST ($45.50) = $395.50.
Our owner does not believe players should have to pay to play hockey and the Welland Jr. Canadians do not charge any additional fees.
We will also supply your hockey equipment and sticks. (except skates)"

They also have their full main camp and exhibition schedule listed. Looks like business as usual in Welland
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Post by oldtymer »

RagingBS wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 8:39 am It looks like a few teams are starting to advertise their position on this and plans for the upcoming season.

"A number of players have asked "What does it cost to play for the Welland Jr. Canadians?"
All players are required to pay the OHA Annual Player Registration Fee for 2018-19.
The OHA fee is $350 + HST ($45.50) = $395.50.
Our owner does not believe players should have to pay to play hockey and the Welland Jr. Canadians do not charge any additional fees.
We will also supply your hockey equipment and sticks. (except skates)"

They also have their full main camp and exhibition schedule listed. Looks like business as usual in Welland
I see that on their website as well. I find the timing of the notice interesting as I have been following the Canadiens for many years and that is the first time that I have ever heard or read that. Over the years we have lost many kids to the Falls ( Masterson) or the Falcons and it was assumed that it was the costs the Canadians charged ( hockey, equipment, billet fees). My friends kid played for the Falcons a few years back and they were charging close to $1000 to play. You would think we could attract better players than we have in the past so perhaps we don't get our butts kicked 4-0 in the first round. Now I see why Louis hounds everybody to buy 50/50 at any place and at any time. I see him coming and my pockets always seem lighter afterwards. Now I know why
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Post by RagingBS »

I find the timing interesting as well for a few reasons. With all the rumors flying around it sends a message to the players and fans that the Canadians will be operating a team that will be operated in a more traditional way, that being minimal costs to the player to finance the teams operations. Minimal costs are also an incentive to both local and out of area players looking to play in the peninsula. I would still out of town players to enquire about a few things like billeting and transportation to road games since these are potential costs that the player needs to consider when comparing to current or other potential teams. It is important to get all of the details so you are comparing apples to apples.

It also sends a very serious and clear message that they are not going to have any part of GOJHL Inc, so players wont have the costs or benefits of that program as well.
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Post by coachFloyd »

I'll wait for Lockport, Pelham and Fort Erie to follow suit :lol:
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Post by RocketGirl »

Let's play devil's advocate here.

So Welland has come out saying they're not charging anything beyond the $400 for the OHA. It was said above that St Catharines was $1000, probably on top of the $1100 for OHA and GOJHL.

You have a kid that's looking at possibly signing with either club. For the sake of the point I want to make here, let's say St Catharines on average has 8 players a year that move on to Jr A, no matter what league, to the OHL/WHL/QMJHL, and/or NCAA/CIS. For Welland, let's say they only have 2 per season that move on.

Which team is that kid going to sign with?

Personally, I think it's St Catharines. The whole goal is to get noticed and if you have a team that has a track record of continuously moving kids on, they're gonna be the choice, and you can ask them for any amount of money, and it will be paid.
Queen of the GOJHL

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Post by oldtymer »

RocketGirl wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:06 pm Let's play devil's advocate here.

So Welland has come out saying they're not charging anything beyond the $400 for the OHA. It was said above that St Catharines was $1000, probably on top of the $1100 for OHA and GOJHL.

You have a kid that's looking at possibly signing with either club. For the sake of the point I want to make here, let's say St Catharines on average has 8 players a year that move on to Jr A, no matter what league, to the OHL/WHL/QMJHL, and/or NCAA/CIS. For Welland, let's say they only have 2 per season that move on.

Which team is that kid going to sign with?

Personally, I think it's St Catharines. The whole goal is to get noticed and if you have a team that has a track record of continuously moving kids on, they're gonna be the choice, and you can ask them for any amount of money, and it will be paid.
Going forward .. if the split happens then St Catharines players will have even a better shot at getting noticed when they play perennially good teams such as Elmira and Listowel.
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Post by coachFloyd »

anyone that played AAA for the last 6 years is used to spending $2000-$4000 a year plus tournament and travel costs...Junior hockey costs aren't so bad if you look at it that way
I know a PJHL team where a parent offered them $3,000 to sign his kid as a 16 yr old...."either I give you the money or the AAA club"
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Post by oldtymer »

Its definitely not a cheap sport for players or owners which is why I find it surprising that the free to play issue keeps getting brought up. The owners need to have deep pockets to keep some these Junior teams alive. The OHL can do it as they have a large fan base but when you draw 200 fans to a game it has to be costing someone big time
Dr. Pepper
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Post by Dr. Pepper »

Who enforces these rules ? Who stops a team like Sarnia who supposedly has 1200 paying fans per game so approximately $10,000 per game x 27 home games for approximately $270,000 before playoffs saying to all their recruits "hey come play here, there is no cost, we supply equipment and 5 sticks per year, we pay all fees , billets, and travel". People would have to be naive to think that this doesn't happen. Now like I said before obviously the top talented players throughout the league likely don't pay anything anywhere and likely even get paid to play, but a team like Sarnia, Stratford, etc,etc, can take it to the next level and offer free play to all players where do you think players will go, soon this league will be a league of haves and have nots. I am sure that teams can't advertise play for free but again people would have to be very naive to think that it doesn't happen.
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Post by oldtymer »

Dr. Pepper wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:28 pm Who enforces these rules ? Who stops a team like Sarnia who supposedly has 1200 paying fans per game so approximately $10,000 per game x 27 home games for approximately $270,000 before playoffs saying to all their recruits "hey come play here, there is no cost, we supply equipment and 5 sticks per year, we pay all fees , billets, and travel". People would have to be naive to think that this doesn't happen. Now like I said before obviously the top talented players throughout the league likely don't pay anything anywhere and likely even get paid to play, but a team like Sarnia, Stratford, etc,etc, can take it to the next level and offer free play to all players where do you think players will go, soon this league will be a league of haves and have nots. I am sure that teams can't advertise play for free but again people would have to be very naive to think that it doesn't happen.
Is there a rule on this? There has always been an issue of the haves and the have nots .. Caledonia is a great example of the haves
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Post by RagingBS »

RocketGirl wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:06 pm Let's play devil's advocate here.

So Welland has come out saying they're not charging anything beyond the $400 for the OHA. It was said above that St Catharines was $1000, probably on top of the $1100 for OHA and GOJHL.

You have a kid that's looking at possibly signing with either club. For the sake of the point I want to make here, let's say St Catharines on average has 8 players a year that move on to Jr A, no matter what league, to the OHL/WHL/QMJHL, and/or NCAA/CIS. For Welland, let's say they only have 2 per season that move on.

Which team is that kid going to sign with?

Personally, I think it's St Catharines. The whole goal is to get noticed and if you have a team that has a track record of continuously moving kids on, they're gonna be the choice, and you can ask them for any amount of money, and it will be paid.
I don't disagree with some of what you have said, however if the league remains intact or separate scouts will watch both. Their mandate is still to recruit the best player(s) available. OHL teams will typically pay fees costs for the players they send to local Jr B. $400 vs $2100 per player, which do you think the Niagara Ice Dogs will choose? Having those players associated with a team will drive those success numbers up, thereby affecting where the older players looking for NCAA?CIS land. Teams win with their 19 and 20 year olds. Just like the pros, players will weigh out finances with probability of success if they have a choice. The ones that don't have choices will go where they have to. Teams this close in proximity that wish to finance their operations on the players money need to ensure the players believe that they are getting value for their dollars or they may price themselves out of the market for high end players, St Catherines is especially vulnerable with so many teams close by.
Dr. Pepper
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Post by Dr. Pepper »

oldtymer wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:31 pm
Dr. Pepper wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:28 pm Who enforces these rules ? Who stops a team like Sarnia who supposedly has 1200 paying fans per game so approximately $10,000 per game x 27 home games for approximately $270,000 before playoffs saying to all their recruits "hey come play here, there is no cost, we supply equipment and 5 sticks per year, we pay all fees , billets, and travel". People would have to be naive to think that this doesn't happen. Now like I said before obviously the top talented players throughout the league likely don't pay anything anywhere and likely even get paid to play, but a team like Sarnia, Stratford, etc,etc, can take it to the next level and offer free play to all players where do you think players will go, soon this league will be a league of haves and have nots. I am sure that teams can't advertise play for free but again people would have to be very naive to think that it doesn't happen.
Is there a rule on this? There has always been an issue of the haves and the have nots .. Caledonia is a great example of the haves
I guess thats what I am asking, is there a rule that says teams must collect this fee and not pay it for the players and if so who oversees it.
Caladonia is actually a poor example of a "have team" as far as fans go as they generally only draw about 150-175 per game however their owner does have deep pockets and likes to spend it
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Post by RagingBS »

coachFloyd wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:39 pm anyone that played AAA for the last 6 years is used to spending $2000-$4000 a year plus tournament and travel costs...Junior hockey costs aren't so bad if you look at it that way
I know a PJHL team where a parent offered them $3,000 to sign his kid as a 16 yr old...."either I give you the money or the AAA club"
There are more differences. Player fees at AAA can be subsidized by the player's family obtaining sponsorships or if the parent owns a business some will sponsor their son for the tax write off. In junior the team's generally collect the sponsor revenue on top of player fees if applicable. Lets not forget the AAA teams also reimburse the players all excess funds at the end of the season. I haven't seen any junior teams do that yet.

As for dad offering 3K so junior can play JrC, his kid would get seen better and develop better at Midget AAA. Everyone looks there to see what the OHL missed in the draft. If he has to pay that kind of money to get on a PJHL team, buying his way on is likely the only way he will make a team. Next year he will have his cheque book out looking for a JrB spot whether his son is ready able or not.
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Post by oldtymer »

Dr. Pepper wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:45 pm
oldtymer wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:31 pm
Dr. Pepper wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:28 pm Who enforces these rules ? Who stops a team like Sarnia who supposedly has 1200 paying fans per game so approximately $10,000 per game x 27 home games for approximately $270,000 before playoffs saying to all their recruits "hey come play here, there is no cost, we supply equipment and 5 sticks per year, we pay all fees , billets, and travel". People would have to be naive to think that this doesn't happen. Now like I said before obviously the top talented players throughout the league likely don't pay anything anywhere and likely even get paid to play, but a team like Sarnia, Stratford, etc,etc, can take it to the next level and offer free play to all players where do you think players will go, soon this league will be a league of haves and have nots. I am sure that teams can't advertise play for free but again people would have to be very naive to think that it doesn't happen.
Is there a rule on this? There has always been an issue of the haves and the have nots .. Caledonia is a great example of the haves
I guess thats what I am asking, is there a rule that says teams must collect this fee and not pay it for the players and if so who oversees it.
Caladonia is actually a poor example of a "have team" as far as fans go as they generally only draw about 150-175 per game however their owner does have deep pockets and likes to spend it
What I meant by have was an owner with deep pockets. Niagara Falls used to be like this as well.
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Post by oldtymer »

RagingBS wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:31 pm
RocketGirl wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:06 pm Let's play devil's advocate here.

So Welland has come out saying they're not charging anything beyond the $400 for the OHA. It was said above that St Catharines was $1000, probably on top of the $1100 for OHA and GOJHL.

You have a kid that's looking at possibly signing with either club. For the sake of the point I want to make here, let's say St Catharines on average has 8 players a year that move on to Jr A, no matter what league, to the OHL/WHL/QMJHL, and/or NCAA/CIS. For Welland, let's say they only have 2 per season that move on.

Which team is that kid going to sign with?

Personally, I think it's St Catharines. The whole goal is to get noticed and if you have a team that has a track record of continuously moving kids on, they're gonna be the choice, and you can ask them for any amount of money, and it will be paid.
I don't disagree with some of what you have said, however if the league remains intact or separate scouts will watch both. Their mandate is still to recruit the best player(s) available. OHL teams will typically pay fees costs for the players they send to local Jr B. $400 vs $2100 per player, which do you think the Niagara Ice Dogs will choose? Having those players associated with a team will drive those success numbers up, thereby affecting where the older players looking for NCAA?CIS land. Teams win with their 19 and 20 year olds. Just like the pros, players will weigh out finances with probability of success if they have a choice. The ones that don't have choices will go where they have to. Teams this close in proximity that wish to finance their operations on the players money need to ensure the players believe that they are getting value for their dollars or they may price themselves out of the market for high end players, St Catherines is especially vulnerable with so many teams close by.
Which teams would now make St Catharines more vulnerable now....
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Post by RagingBS »

Amy team within commuting distance are a competitor for players, so Welland, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, Thorold, even Pelham and Fort Erie could be potentially if the ever got things turned around. As noted earlier you would need to weigh out all costs and variables as there can be many differences from team to team.
Dr. Pepper
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Post by Dr. Pepper »

I ask again, is this being policed ? Is there a watchdog in the oha that is overseeing who is paying the fee (the kid or the team) or do they even care as long as it is being paid. Is this something that the teams came up with themselves to offset some costs by forcing the boys rich daddy to pay if the marginal player really wants to play ?..... because again if the kids good enough to play there are enough teams out there that are willing to absorb the cost and even put a little in the pocket for expence's.
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Post by oldtymer »

RagingBS wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 2:17 pm Amy team within commuting distance are a competitor for players, so Welland, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, Thorold, even Pelham and Fort Erie could be potentially if the ever got things turned around. As noted earlier you would need to weigh out all costs and variables as there can be many differences from team to team.
Other than the recent posting on the Welland website , I don't think any of those teams will be free to play. I will be surprised if in the end the cost to play in Welland is much lower ( if at all) than St Catharines.
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Post by oldtymer »

Dr. Pepper wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 2:46 pm I ask again, is this being policed ? Is there a watchdog in the oha that is overseeing who is paying the fee (the kid or the team) or do they even care as long as it is being paid. Is this something that the teams came up with themselves to offset some costs by forcing the boys rich daddy to pay if the marginal player really wants to play ?..... because again if the kids good enough to play there are enough teams out there that are willing to absorb the cost and even put a little in the pocket for expence's.
I am not sure there is a rule to police. As long as the leagues get their fees they are happy
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Post by RagingBS »

The only league that I know of off the top of my head that polices this sort of thing is the BCHL. They have no league fees however team fees are optional and are capped at $800. The teams must verify to the league that if team fees are imposed all members paid the same amount. Teams must supply all outer equipment, billets, highway coach transportation, hotel rooms and meals on the road at no cost to the players. The other cost they have is for their showcase which is very heavily scouted. The league charges the players $100 per game but only if they are on the gamesheet.
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Post by oldtymer »

RagingBS wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 3:13 pm The only league that I know of off the top of my head that polices this sort of thing is the BCHL. They have no league fees however team fees are optional and are capped at $800. The teams must verify to the league that if team fees are imposed all members paid the same amount. Teams must supply all outer equipment, billets, highway coach transportation, hotel rooms and meals on the road at no cost to the players. The other cost they have is for their showcase which is very heavily scouted. The league charges the players $100 per game but only if they are on the gamesheet.
The BCHL is a very successful league and they can afford it as it looks like their average attendance IS > 1000 with some teams averaging > 2500

That would be tough to do in Niagara where teams are lucky to get 250 to a game especially Buffalo . The Ice Dogs have really sucked out a lot of the hockey $ in the area
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Post by ILuvHackey »

We forget that in BC they have one league.

In Ontario, there's the GOJ, OJ, CCHL, NOJ. There's a lot of teams which drives fans down a bit, and sponsorship dollars down, and waters down the talent too.

The whole point of Tommorow's Game was to make one Jr A league and make it super competitive vs. the BCHL. Hell, even if Ontario went down to two Jr A leagues -- one that covered northern Ontario through Ottawa area, and one that covered Southern ontario up through cottage country.
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Post by ILuvHackey »

ILuvHackey wrote: Wed Aug 01, 2018 3:51 pm We forget that in BC they have one league.

In Ontario, there's the GOJ, OJ, CCHL, NOJ. There's a lot of teams which drives fans down a bit, and sponsorship dollars down, and waters down the talent too.

The whole point of Tommorow's Game was to make one Jr A league and make it super competitive vs. the BCHL. Hell, even if Ontario went down to two Jr A leagues -- one that covered northern Ontario through Ottawa area, and one that covered Southern ontario up through cottage country.
Imagine if you had for a second...

The "NOJHL" and the "SOJHL" - the Northern and Southern Ontario Jr A Leagues.

- Ottawa
- Cornwall
- Pembrooke
- Brockville
- Powasson (North Bay)
- Rayside Balfour (Sudbury)
- Timmins
- Elliot Lake
- Hearst
- Thunder Bay
- Kingston
- Huntsville/Haliburton/Gravenhurst area team

- One of Chatham/LaSalle/Leamington
- A Team from Sarnia area
- A Team or two from London Area (London, St Thomas, Strathroy, Komoka, St Marys)
- Stratford
- Listowel
- Two of Waterloo/Kitchener/Cambridge/Elmira
- One of Brantford/Hamilton/Burlington/Caledonia
- One of Niagara Falls/St Kitts/etc.
- Oakville
- Mississauga
- Two of Markham/Rich Hill/Whitby
- Toronto
- Cobourg

That would be a way to boost Junior A in Ontario. Make it the cream of the crop, and then build smaller Jr B loops in the various areas that compete for the Sutherland Cup across the entire province.
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Post by Jumpin »

Hearing from quite a few people that the Inc group has their own refs set up and are ready to proceed with their own league. The question is who’s in with them and who’s out. Hope this all ends soon.
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Post by RagingBS »

That's interesting since officials used in the past would also do OHL, or JrC as well as minor hockey. Usually you only have to find your own dedicated refs if a league is going outlaw, but to my understanding GOJHL Inc is not.
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