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Post by FrozenPonds »

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Post by Marcie »

Does this mean that they have finally pulled the plug on the season? Hope so.
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Post by BeenThereDoneThat »

Based on previous posts by Frozen Ponds, I would guess that this means the plug has been pulled on the leadership.
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Post by Marcie »

I see. The proverbial axe has fallen.
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Post by Professor »

What has happened? What does Kabooom mean?
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Post by drafty »

Maybe it's a comment on this forum that hadn't had a posting in over a month.
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Post by FrozenPonds »

Hopefully the KABOOOOOOM...which in my eyes was long, long, long overdue, will enable this league to take the necessary steps to get back to where this league once was (as three independent leagues)...a place where kids wanted to play to get to where they desired to play! It won't be difficult but decisions will have to be made!

In saying that...I am absolutely certain that with the OJ seeking input from "prospective" franchises....the GO needs to prepare for that. A quick question.....the GO applied for Tier II status but where denied in part, because of an agreement between the OHA (a member partner) and the OJ (a league). Wonder if they will re-hash that application for Tier II?? My thoughts are they don't need it if they build a league that these kids will want to play in....it can be done!
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Post by OutsideLookingIn »

Ok.... well. What happened?
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Post by FrozenPonds »

Any owner who would support the current board is one of two things..

1.). Someone who needs their head examined or..

2.). Someone who doesnt want this league to get back to where it once was.

Either way, it speak volumes about the utterly consistent lack or leadership, initiative or foresight to be at the decisión-making table!

This board should be removed. The have consistently shown their failure in making bonafide decisions to push this league forward. We have just had two years of a "nice guy" commissioner who was obviously way, way, way in over his head. Or maybe there was something going on behind closed doors that most of us dont know about.. Could be.

But this league now finds itself at a crossroads. Bring people in who have a passión for and knowledge of the game who are motivated to put things in play that will push this league in the direction it could be going or... Stay with the band of misfits who have continuously miscalculated or misinterpreted what was going on around them. Two dropped... Its time for the others to do the right thing and step aside. Now is the time.. There is much work to do. You need to focus on putting protocols in place to salvage next season as there are no guarantees for the 2021-22 season will get off the ground... Plus.. You have already seen the OJs first volley...time to establish an offensive defense!
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Post by OutsideLookingIn »

Ohhhh....You want them to step down. I actually thought that something did happen that would actually stop the talent drain from the GO ( kids heading west) OJ is a joke. But seriously, what is the OJ's first volley? I must of missed this, unless it's all of their top talent heading south
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Post by FrozenPonds »

Two did step down...but the others need to follow...and those that support those "others" need to be called out!

I agree...the OJ is a joke! It is a shadow of it former self...distant shadow! But, the GO is no different. Well, they are in the fact that they have let certain "institutions" in this province dictate where they stand. I do not understand why there is no motivation by this league to start "re-building" and "re-branding". Message to the GO Board...a shiny new, albeit unoriginal, logo is NOT re-branding!! I would love to sit down with some of these fools and see where their heads are at. It's baffling to say the least!

The OJs first volley was their "newsletter" gauging input on possible locations in the GO footprint...who were interested in an OJ franchise. That was the first shot...and there was a fish who took the bait! But ultimately, that was supposedly voted down but the agreement currently in place that allowed for that vote to happen is expiring in the not too distant future. They need a plan. They need to protect their turf! This will be a turf war that was fully endorsed by the old OHA board and seems to have been adopted by the "new" OJ majority OHA Board.

I played in the old Metro Junior League and it was GREAT hockey! But here is the thing....when there was three individual conferences of Junior "B"...that was also GREAT hockey! Look at the list of alum! They pushed greater numbers to the NCAA ranks! What happened? Well..for starters, going into 1 big league didnt help. It has proven that they cannot get anything done as there are just too many voting members to come to a consensus and actually get things done. Second..lack of leadership or ANY vision to keep the league "a top development" league. They have rested on that laurel for far too long and it is time to start working to get back to that level. Nothing is handed to you...although some of these owners seem to think they are entitled to have it handed to them.
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Post by OutsideLookingIn »

In regards to the OJ's newsletter/footprint....where are the possible locations? I assume the horseshoe. Can't see the west as travel issues for teams.(Chatham Sarnia Lasalle Leamington....etc
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Post by FrozenPonds »

Go west young man/woman...go almost as far west as you can!

It makes no sense but it makes perfect sense. They have Brantford..another brain-dead accommodation by those "leaders" the GO has/had. So they put a team in the west...and will argue that in order for that team to survive...they need to fill in the gaps to make it viable. It's genius actually...especially when you have "leaders" who cannot see past their own egos! Collingwood was another....there was the potential for 5-6 teams to form a new conference in the north...and the GO Leadership was aware. But rather than accommodate the 5-6 at a fee of ohhhhh...let's say...for the sake of argument $50k which would have amounted to $300k in league coffers...they listen to certain "leaders" who have a vested interested in increasing the value of their own franchise...makes sense when you are trying to sell. So they set the price at $150k and Collingwood jumps on it. The other 4-5 teams balk at that price and then guess what, Collingwood is granted a franchise in the GO but then has that lifted because the OJ decides to put a team there....and that move was fully endorsed by the OHA board chair, I believe, who weighed in on the subject and suggested to town council in Collingwood that Tier II was more viable. Now that is what I was told...but the OHA is a member partner of the OHF. They are supposed to be impartial. Clearly they were not.

Now, I know there were 5-6 teams ready to join. I know this because I was involved. It all came down to seeing the big picture which the GO Board clearly could not see. There was no established footprint in the north..technically, there still isnt. It could still work and as far as I am concerned, it should still be investigated. All it takes is a little initiative and foresight! But they sold out on the premise that the value of their own franchises had just increased to $150k. It is all about the supply and demand....Cambridge could not be given away, and yet, the "Collingwood Experiment" gave them the misguided belief that there own franchises were worth $150k.

Again..this league needs to get people in who have a knowledge and passion for the game. People who can make decisions on what is best for the league and not the best decision for a few. Either that is done or blow this thing up! Take the teams who clearly do not believe or trust the remaining members of the board and go out on your own! Get out of the GO umbrella...you will be better for it!
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Post by phillipdh »

FrozenPonds wrote: Mon Jan 25, 2021 11:34 am ...a shiny new, albeit unoriginal, logo is NOT re-branding!!
Dang, my logo design is un-original. At least it's shiny though ...
I make hockey teams look good
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Post by FrozenPonds »

Haha..no offense intended...its just they could have come up with something more......KABOOMish! Is that a word??
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Post by phillipdh »

FrozenPonds wrote: Mon Jan 25, 2021 3:55 pm Haha..no offense intended...its just they could have come up with something more......KABOOMish! Is that a word??

I’m the one who created it, and that’s not a real word.

Say, why don’t you use your real name around here?
I make hockey teams look good
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Post by oldtymer »

I was aware of the 150k fee for the GO but I have heard the fee for Tier 2 was much much higher. If so why would they balk at the lower fee. It would seem strange that the owners of Tier 2 would offer something lower to new franchisees as it would de-value the worth of their franchise?
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Post by FrozenPonds »

Why would I use my real name around here? That would go against everything that is this forum. I am curious....how much input did you receive from the GO on what type of design they were looking for?

The OJ wasn't offering a lower fee. The $150k was the fee the GO solicited from the Collingwood entry. The OJ had a group interested in putting a team in Collingwood after they bought the Kingston franchise and relocated. I have heard that the OJ fee is in the $750k range..which is pretty ridiculous! You could get an NAHL team for $400 US and the upside is far, far better than the OJ. The teams balked because they were mostly community based teams and $150k...that was too much!
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