Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Golden Horseshoe Jr B Hockey

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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by Port hockey1 »

BeenThereDoneThat wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 12:13 pm Toffolo, you are something else. You hide under the OHA, OHF and HC banners. You know the reason why the vast majority of teams in the GOJHL voted you out. Why have you not mentioned it ?

In your rant you mentioned the OHA's, the OHF's and HC's constitution but made no mention of the GOJHL's revised Constitution, why's that ?

You nor your franchise does nothing to add value to this league. You refused to pay the GOJHL fees and then refused to pay the fine levied upon you for not paying. Since you seem to want to tell your sad side of the story why don't you tell us what you did with the reported $1500 plus, that you collected from most of your players. You and your coaching staff told the players and their families the money was for OHA ($350) and GOJHL ($750)fees. :oops: :oops: :oops:
Zing!! 8) :lol:
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by hockey21 »

Is there a date by when we can anticipate a formal public disclosure of any (if any) changes to OHA Jr B, GOJHL, etc. that will impact the 2018-19 season?
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by GOJHLfan1 »

Doubt it seeing how the schedule has not even come out until like a week before the season last 2 seasons.
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by RocketGirl »

Tim Toffolo wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:06 pm To set the record straight the Pelham Panthers have not been apart of the GOJHL Inc since July of 2017.
If you left the GOJHL last summer, then why did your team participate in GOJHL events, like the Showcase, Prospects Games and play-offs?
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by ILuvHackey »

RocketGirl wrote: Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:44 pm
Tim Toffolo wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:06 pm To set the record straight the Pelham Panthers have not been apart of the GOJHL Inc since July of 2017.
If you left the GOJHL last summer, then why did your team participate in GOJHL events, like the Showcase, Prospects Games and play-offs?
Image -TT, probably
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by RocketGirl »

He did respond, via private message, and I'm going to respect that it was a PM and not share it. But his basic response was that they were OHA sanctioned events.

But my follow up question is, if you left in July, why did you continue to attend GOJHL league meetings up until about November when it was brought up that you hadn't paid the fees?
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by Tim Toffolo »


Our club paid all our expenses directly either to the OHA or the GOJHL inc. ie pointstreak, HC insurance, OHA fee , busing, banquet, showcase expense, prospect expense These are the same expenses that the GOJHL INC would pay for the teams. One should ask why the GOJHL Inc keeps players money to build up a war chest that they have used to pay lawyers to fight the OHA. The money that is wasted of players funds is ridiculous and unfair to the players and families. If a player pays $750 then they should get something for it and not have their funds missapropriated and wasted. Players and families are being ripped off and need to know the truth. The numbers and financials don’t lie. What is going on is a shame. As for attending their meetings we were encouraged to stand up against what was happening.
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by FrozenPonds »

Mr. Toffolo,

Whether the GOJHL has or does not have a war chest is irrelevant. If you don't think this happens at other levels, maybe you should contact Alliance or the OMHA who have stockpiled MILLIONS to protect against legal issues arising from past, and sadly future, sexual assaults that have happened by those who "represent" the game. Those MILLIONS, could easily be earmarked to create future development programs that the OHA claims that this game is about. But sadly, those "Member Partners" have been advised not to touch those funds for the reasons I stated above.

As for the OHA, they need to keep their hands off of league governance!! They already have issues with governance in general. And while we are on the subject, is it or is it not true that any and all gate revenue from the opening weekend showcase goes to the OHA and not the GOJHL?? That is the first thing that should change! Leagues like the GOJHL need the autonomy to operate within a Constitution that benefits those within the league. They need to be able to make decisions in the best interests of the league. Sadly, I understand that has not been happening!

There is a storm brewing on the horizon with the OHA and ALL Junior programs under their umbrella. It ain't going to be pretty and it could test the very authority that the OHA currently has!

I have never met you Mr. Toffolo so I cannot say one thing or the other about you. But I have been saying this for years, the GOJHL has a huge number of teams. With that number, you can achieve an awful lot of success and push the envelope with regards to doing positives for the league. Unfortunately, the constant bickering amongst some teams and by some teams creates nothing but division. It is counterproductive. Maybe the Golden Horseshoe was on the right track when they wanted out! They could probably get alot more accomplished than what the GOJHL has for the past 5+ years!
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by Tim Toffolo »

When a team is accepted to the OHA it agrees to follow the rule regulations and policies of the OHA,OHF and Hockey Canada. All teams sign a membership renewal form by April 15th every year agreeing to abide by these terms. How someone feels about who should govern who is irrelevant since all teams have agreeed and agree every year who is governing them. Everyone can go to the OHA site and go to members. Then go to forms and read the constitution and all the rules, regs and policies. It is cut and dry. If a team chooses not to fill out and sign the renewal by the 15th then they are at risk. Now their are leagues that operate outside of Hockey Canada and in most cases they do because they do not want to be apart of the governance of the OHA,OHF and Hockey Canada and their rules. The Pelham Panthers have chosen as we have every year to continue to abide by these rules and governance. Do some teams want to alter this process?
Yes they do!! The fact is that this process can’t and will not be changed. The choice they have is quite simple!! Play in the OHA and abide by the rules or play outside HOckey Canada and the OHA. So they have a choice and who knows which one they will make. What I do know is that seven teams made the decision as they do every year to do the same. What the others have done you will have to deside for yourselves if it was right or irresponsible to do for their organizations.
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by FrozenPonds »


The issues, as I see them are the fact that the OHA has their hands in the cookie jar! Are they the governing body for junior hockey in Ontario, yes. That, at this time cannot be disputed. But the fact remains, the GOJHL, PJHL and the OJHL SHOULD BE FREE to operate their leagues within their OWN constitution. The OHA are in the business of sanctioning but that should not give them an outright right to make decisions for those leagues. The moment they do that, then the credibility issue comes into play. The OHA governs for their members. But like any other membership, they have rights to vote on issues that affect their business. The OHA has, in the past few years, operated in a manner that has undermined this process!

Having this many teams looking to bolt suggests to me that there are many issues in the meeting rooms that some of us are not privy to. You want to leave, I say go! Start your own loop! But if I am involved in the whole process, you don't want to abide by the rules of the GOJHL/Golden Horseshoe etc., don't expect to participate in any sort of schedule under the GOJHL umbrella. You and the other teams have made your thoughts known, and for some reason, the OHA has decided to support it although I am sure they won't be happy you have posted that letter. That is the one thing about "governing" bodies...they like to ensure the dirty laundry is packed away and the skeletons remain in the closet. What the OHA is basically saying is that they, in the wisdom, can make decisions that will undermine members/leagues that they presently represent. That definitely brings the whole question of unbiased leadership into question.
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by Tim Toffolo »

We do not want to leave the OHA or Jr B category. We accept the OHA and their governance. We have followed this for years. I would suggest that their are many other that will do them same. A few have made this mess an promissed things to teams that they can’t and will never deliver. You sound like an upfront person but the point still is weather you like it or not or agree with it leagues do not govern themselves. You can’t compare the OJHL to any of this as Hockey Canada made an agreement with the CJHL for JR A. Now their are teams or at least individuals that want their teams out and they will and have done everything to be out. Without thoes guys we would not be in the mess we are in. They have destroyed the original GOJHL.
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by FrozenPonds »


Leagues do govern themselves according to their OWN Constitutions, Rules and Regs, and By-laws. The fact that the OHA has refused to recognize this doesn't mean that this is not the case. In fact, within the writings of the letter you posted it says and I quote "they have made it clear that they do not wish to be governed by the GOJHL or it's Executive". There is your proof that Leagues "govern" themselves. Again, the fact that the OHA has stated this suggests that there are ulterior motives by the OHA.

They have also suggested that "the GOJHL deal directly with the OHA and not teams directly". Again, it appears that this is another attempt to undermine the GOJHL and it's leadership.

The GOJHL has also stated that "the OHA will not tolerate unwarranted actions or tactics that may be deemed as threatening to those who have made the decision for change". The very fact that the OHA has asked that the GOJHL deal directly with them and NOT their member teams should be "deemed as unwarranted actions and threatening" to the very governance of the GOJHL!

By taking this stance, and interfering with league operations, the OHA has in fact "disrupted" Junior B hockey, something they claim they have no intention of doing. My guess is that the OHA will continue to undermine the actions of the GOJHL and it's member teams in a way that will enable them to ultimately seize the league and oversee operations much in the same as they have done to Junior C.

As I said before, you want to leave, then go! Start your own loop with the 5 other teams from the list who still support this action. The fact remains the decision-making of the OHA in the past brings into the question the validity of the very governance they hold tightly to their chest. It really begs the question...just what in the hell does the OHA provide for it's membership?? Sanctioning, sure! But what do they provide? Other than sanctioning (hockey term for license to print money) what does the membership of the OHA get for their contributions to the OHA? Unbiased leadership? Fairness and Equity?? A voice?? What does the OHA provide that these teams cannot get on their own? The Sutherland Cup can be done on it's own.

I don't consider myself militant but quite frankly the issues that have come up in the last two years have made me see the OHA in a totally different light and the letter posted, just reaffirms that they do have something brewing.
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by BeenThereDoneThat »

TT, you mentioned more than once the Constitution of the OHA, rules and policies of both the OHF and Hockey Canada. In previous conversations it was mentioned that you did not agree with the revised GOJHL Constitution. I believe at one point the Constitution change was one of the reasons you , Fort Erie and Buffalo requested to be governed by the OHA rather than the GOJHL. To help all understand, can you explain what part of the revised GOJHL Constitution did you, Fort Erie and Buffalo not agree on. If you do not wish to answer for Fort Erie or Buffalo, I understand but please do tell us your reasons for rejecting the revised version.
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by Tim Toffolo »

It is becoming very apparent that you are most likely with a club and hiding behind your user name. That’s fine!!! The OHA must accept a constitution for it to be valid. The original constitution for the GOJHL with was created 11 years ago got approval and went through the proper process. It actually took a year to get passed through revisions and changes. The GOJHL Incs constitution has been denied by the OHA as the majority of it contradicts the OHA,OHF and Hockey Canada’s constitutions. One only has to read the constitutions to understand. I have suddied all three. Upon reading the GOJHL incs consitution it was obvious that it would never be passed. The choice we made was not to against the OHA. 16 years ago the decision was made to become a member of the OHA and that we have remained for 16 years. Cambridge went their own way and where are they now.
Everyone should read and understand what you are apart of and what your membership is. If you owned a Tim Horton’s you would have to abide by the rules and regulations of being a Tim Hortons franchise. If you decided as an individual or group to go against them then you would not be selling Tim Hortons products any longer.
There is not a difference here. Everyone can have their opinions on how they think things should be but that does not mean it will be changed.
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by BeenThereDoneThat »

I guess that in someway seems to address my questions, although you did avoid telling me what part or parts of the GOJHL Constitution you disagreed with.

Quote "very likely you are part of a club", I am and have been a huge fan of Jr.B hockey for many years and want nothing more then to see this league succeed and grow even bigger and better then it is today. And if that means they have to reduce to improve, I'm all for it. The OJ went through a similar process(contraction) a few years back and it appears they are much stronger today for doing so.
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by FrozenPonds »

I am not associated with any club withing the GOJHL or otherwise.

I would however, like to see a copy of the GOJHL Constitution if you have a copy that you can send digitally. I have tried to locate it on the league website but it is not there to be found. I think it would make an interesting read.

Feel free to PM me,
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by RocketGirl »

Tim Toffolo wrote: Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:37 am Stacey,

Our club paid all our expenses directly either to the OHA or the GOJHL inc. ie pointstreak, HC insurance, OHA fee , busing, banquet, showcase expense, prospect expense These are the same expenses that the GOJHL INC would pay for the teams. One should ask why the GOJHL Inc keeps players money to build up a war chest that they have used to pay lawyers to fight the OHA. The money that is wasted of players funds is ridiculous and unfair to the players and families. If a player pays $750 then they should get something for it and not have their funds missapropriated and wasted. Players and families are being ripped off and need to know the truth. The numbers and financials don’t lie. What is going on is a shame. As for attending their meetings we were encouraged to stand up against what was happening.
If you find the fee so ridiculous for players to pay, then why did your coach email your players on Sept. 4 asking for their $750 GOJHL player fee to be paid to the team? And since you didn't pay that money to the league, what did you do with it?
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by BeenThereDoneThat »

Well come on TT, answer the lady. :oops: :oops:
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by Tim Toffolo »

Well if you took the time to read the above post the list of several expenses that the GOJHL uses the $750 for were the same expenses we used it for. The only difference being is that we paid it directly. We also used it for extra ice and team events. All funds went back to the players in our organization. It’s not sitimg in an account doming nothing for the players. As for how anyone else addressed our team fee of $750 it was never addressed to any player or parent in any other way. Since Stacey seems to know so much then maybe we should all listen to her. All I know is we are Playing in the JR B Golden Horseshoe this year with all the teams that choose to renew with the OHA. As for all the rest of the bull sh** being put out there people should learn to deal with true facts and not rumours.

The statement that all teams sign each year agrees to abide by the rules policy’s and regulations of the OHA and Hockey Canada and accept all board desisions of the OHA
So Stacey Maybe if you sign an agreement with your work to abide by all their rules and policies and you break them again and again what do you think would happen.

Our boss is the OHA and they and they only have the rights to govern teams in the OHA. This is a fact that you will have to come to grips with. I really don’t care what you feel or think or want!!! This is the way it is and if you want to be in the OHA then deal with it. If not get lost!!!
It’s real simple.

Enough time spent on this crazy rumours filled sight. It has been quite a while before this thread and I hope not to come back to it for a long time. See everyone at the rinks!!! Maybe you should all wear bags over you heads to hide from the public since you are so scared to let your opinions be known with your identities. There is a saying for that but that’s not for today! Proud to be a strong OHA supporter!!!

Enjoy the game and Cheers to all!!!!
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by FrozenPonds »

"Proud to be an OHA supporter"..maybe that is your first problem. And I will go on to say this...you don't want to be governed by the GOJHL, then out you go! You cannot have your cake and eat it too! If the GOJHL/Golden Horseshoe have any balls whatsoever, they make the schedule without you. Force the OHA's hand! Let's be honest, some of the decisions that the OHA has made in the past few years has left a hockey purist like myself scratching my head! The OHA govern, but that governance only goes as far as the respect their members show to them. The OHA has lost a ton of respect over the last few years. That brings into question the very governance of the OHA! Not sure about the "Tomorrow's Game" plan but like anything the OHA brings to the table, you need a keg sized container of lighter fluid to get anything to burn! It's a lot of rhetoric and smoke and mirrors!

I could go on, but decisions like moving to Komoka within 50 km of London and moving Port Colborne to Pelham go against the encroachment policy set forth in their own constitution and Rules and Regulations! That is, unless you have the support of the teams you would be encroaching on. Anyone here from St. Catharines, Niagara, Welland or Thorold care to comment??

So, you want out, I hope they show you the door! I am sure the league would have no issues if you took Fort Erie, Buffalo, Caledonia, London and whoever else with you as well! Sometimes, you need to put a line in the sand and make a stand! It appears GOJHL, that time is NOW!! Take back what is yours and grow this league! You teams have more power than the OHA wants you to believe!
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by FrozenPonds »

ILuvHackey wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 2:10 pm
RocketGirl wrote: Thu Apr 12, 2018 2:44 pm
Tim Toffolo wrote: Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:06 pm To set the record straight the Pelham Panthers have not been apart of the GOJHL Inc since July of 2017.
If you left the GOJHL last summer, then why did your team participate in GOJHL events, like the Showcase, Prospects Games and play-offs?
Image -TT, probably
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by phillipdh »

FrozenPonds wrote: Wed Apr 18, 2018 9:26 pm So, you want out, I hope they show you the door! I am sure the league would have no issues if you took Fort Erie, Buffalo, Caledonia, London and whoever else with you as well! Sometimes, you need to put a line in the sand and make a stand! It appears GOJHL, that time is NOW!! Take back what is yours and grow this league! You teams have more power than the OHA wants you to believe!
Side question, I'm curious as to why you included London and Caledonia in there?
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by drafty »

Anyone here from St. Catharines, Niagara, Welland or Thorold care to comment??
St,Catharines, Welland and Port Colborne are all IN Niagara. Do you mean Niagara Falls?

I can't fathom how a team that openly declares itself NOT part of a league still plays in that league. How is that possible?
Tim Toffolo
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by Tim Toffolo »

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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by BeenThereDoneThat »

TT, looks like you under that bag. Cant tell if its half empty or half full. Same old tiny Tim, spin ,spin ,spin.
Was the lady's question too much for you to handle. ?? :shock: :shock:
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by GOJHLfan1 »

BeenThereDoneThat wrote: Wed Apr 18, 2018 10:58 pm TT, looks like you under that bag. Cant tell if its half empty or half full. Same old tiny Tim, spin ,spin ,spin.
Was the lady's question too much for you to handle. ?? :shock: :shock:
He did answer it? He said the money was used for team functions, extra ice etc.
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by FrozenPonds »

London and Caledonia have always been sticklers....I wouldn't be surprised if they were in the group to walk!
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by ILuvHackey »

Cal 99ers wrote: Sat Apr 07, 2018 2:28 pm I heard that the Brantford team will know April 15th whether they move to Milton or maybe fold and run a tier two team in either city. They may continue to run both teams where they are now, word should come out some time that week
Any word on Brantford?
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by Cal 99ers »

A friend with the team got the original info and hasn't been able to speak with them since. We are waiting for an newspaper announcement soon
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Re: Buffalo, Pelham and Fort Erie Voted Out

Post by Cal 99ers »

Latest word is the 99ers are for sale so he might be buying the Brampton Battalion after all
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